It was a complete death spiral and we had to stop it. 这完全是一个死亡陷阱,我们必须加以阻止。
After you complete your test scenario, stop the recording, and the test script will be generated as shown in the sample test script in Figure 7, which shows that the Flex Spark objects and their corresponding events have been recognized. 在您完成测试场景后,可以停止录制,这会生成测试脚本,如图7中的示例测试脚本所示,它显示了FlexSpark对象及其相应的事件已被识别。
Once the validation is complete, stop the file system. 验证完成后,停止此文件系统。
Stop sign When you see this sign you will have to come to a complete stop in your car or bike before you continue moving forward. 停车标志看到这个标志,开车或是骑车都要停下来,不能再往前走。
They travel at breakneck speed overloaded with people and produce, often failing to come to a complete stop for passengers to leap on and off. 它们过度运载人和货,并以极速运行,常常不能完全停下让乘客们上下车。
Ladies and Gentleme: We have landed at XX Airport, please remain seated until the "FASTEN SEAT BELT" sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop. 各位贵宾:我们现在已经降落在XX国际机场了,在安全带的指示灯没有熄灭、班机没有停妥前,请您不要离开座位。
There's a short, uncomfortable pause. Production at the factory has come to a complete/ full stop. 静了一会儿,令人不太舒服的停顿。这家工厂的生产已完全停顿。
Read the instructions in each message, and then click Yes or no, as appropriate, to complete or stop the testing. 阅读每条消息中的说明,然后根据需要单击“是”或“否”完成或停止测试。
We can only fully engage them when we are able to work openly with you, and can put a complete stop to their activities. 我们只能在能够公开与你们协作的时候才可以完全的对付他们,并且能够完全的阻止他们的行动。
You must complete or stop the file transfer before you close your communication document. 在关闭通讯文档前,必须完成或停止文件传输。
Come to a complete stop and full stop at the intersection. 今后完全停止,并完全停止的交叉点上。
What will it be when the increase of yearly production is brought to a complete stop? Here is the vulnerable place, the heel of Achilles, for capitalistic production. 如果年增产量完全陷入停顿的话,情形亦将怎样呢?这里正是资本主义生产的弱点,它的致命弱点。
It means you must come to a complete stop. 它意味着你将要完全停车。
After the take-off, coming to a complete stop with little to no vertical bounce, dip, lateral drifting or wobble. 起飞后机体保持完全静止不动,不可有任意的垂直上升或下降,机体不可左右摇晃或漂移。
To complete setting up shared services, you must manually stop the spssearch service running on the job server. 若要完成共享服务设置,您必须手动停止作业服务器上运行的spssearch服务。
Vehicle emission models are developed in complete stop, uncompleted stop and non stop states according to the impact of the change of running state to the emission. 根据机动车行驶工况变化对排放的影响,建立了车辆完全停车、不完全停车以及不停车三种状态下的机动车排放计算模型;
VERA represents the best therapeutic opportunity in clinical practice to achieve a complete remission and to stop the erosive course of rheumatoid arthritis. 在常规诊疗中,VERA代表了最佳治疗时机,能获得完全缓解,并阻断RA的骨侵蚀。
During working hours the traffic is very heavy on most city streets, sometimes coming to a complete stop in places. 在上班时间,大多数城市的街道交通都很拥挤,有些地方有时完全阻塞。
The instrument is equipped with electronic counters, complete the preset test cycle after automatic stop. 本仪器配有电子计数器,完成预设测试周期后自动停机。
Do not unfasten your safety belts until the plane has come to a complete stop. 在飞机没有停稳之前,不要解开安全带。
Don't expect that as you complete potty training that bedwetting will also stop at the same time. 不要指望,当你完成上厕所训练认为,尿床也将停止在同一时间内。
Pump stop, they would first close the discharge stop valve, and switch to a complete halt until pump suction stop valve was closed. 泵停车时,应先关闭排出停止阀,并待泵完全停转后关闭吸入停止阀。
In the weeks leading into the shift, the rotation of the Earth slowed gradually to a complete stop. 在极移前几周,地球的自转会减慢,并完全停止。
Never shift to the Reverse or Parking until the car comes to a complete stop. 从不转移到否定或停车,直到车来一个完全停止的阶段。
This principle also emphasizes that actions should not come to a complete stop, but smoothly blend into other actions. 这一原则也强调,行动不应该发展到一个完全停止,但顺利地融入其他行动的可能性。
No trip would be complete for me without a quick stop in Victoria, British Columbia. 这次旅行将是不完整的我,在维多利亚,不列颠哥伦比亚省快速停止。
No visit to the west coast is complete without a stop in Alberta's West Edmonton Mall, which caters to every shopping need. 位于阿尔伯塔省的西爱德蒙顿购物中心能满足每一种购物的需求,如果不在此逗留一下,那么去西海岸的旅游就算不上完美。
But never mind, if they still want to complete their services, they have to finally stop shouting anyway. 但无论如何,如果他们还想把自己的业务办完的话,最终都是得终止咆哮的。
You had to drive two blocks further and unlock the doors without coming to a complete stop. 你不得不开过两个街区,车还没停稳就赶紧打开车门。